Our Orphaned Felines...
Adoption Application/Contract - Review the form that you will need to read and sign when you come in to adopt
an animal from us.
Cats scratch.
It's a fact of cat life. Scratching allows a cat to stretch and exercise, to
mark her home with her own scent, and to shed overgrown nails. Some cat owners
attempt to eliminate this innate behavior by removing their cats' claws, and
many are surprised to find that a declawed cat will continue to
"scratch" and that some declawed cats are still able to damage
carpeting and upholstery. Cat owners who understand and accept normal cat
behavior provide an acceptable place for their cats to perform this instinctive
activity, and cat and owner live in peace. Other owners express another level of
tolerance, choosing not to restrict their cats' scratching activities to
specific items but to allow the cats to be cats and to live with the
All adoption fees are subject to change without notice.
The shelter does reserve the right to charge more or less (i.e. purebreds,
puppies, special medical conditions, etc...)
We accept Cash, VISA, MasterCard, or Discover for adoptions
(We Do Not accept checks)
- All animals will be spayed or neutered before leaving the shelter. Even the Kittens?
Average cost $100-$200.
- All cats surrendered will be Feline
Leukemia AND FIV tested. Average cost $50
- All animals will have updated shots. This includes Rabies average cost
$15 per vaccination.
Distemper average cost $15 per vaccination. Wormed if necessary average cost
$10-25 per worming. Shots total $50+.
- All animals will receive one free PHYSICAL with a participating vet. Average cost - $40.
- Dogs will get a leash and collar if available. Average cost - $10.
- Cats will leave in a cat carrier. Average cost - $10
- Any toys or personal belongings the animal came in with.
If you price out the cost of the above. The range is $200 - $300. Our adoption
rates are extremely reasonable. As a matter of fact you are getting the animal
for free.

AND KITTENS FOR ANY REASON. There are humane alternatives to declawing. One of those is
SoftPaws Nail Caps for Cats. SoftPaws is the simple, non-surgical alternative to
declawing. While scratching is natural behavior for cats, it can
often cause problems for cat owners. For years, the standard solution was to declaw the
cat. What are SoftPaws? Developed by a vet, they are vinyl
caps that help keep your cat's nails blunt and harmless 4 to 5 times longer than routine
nail trimming.
Animal Shelter Inc.
17 Laurelwood Road
Sterling, MA 01564
phone (978)422-8585
fax (978)422-8574

Copyright © 1998-2013 Animal Shelter, Inc.